4 Rules of Partnership Engagement

4 Rules of Partnership Engagement

We talk a lot about the importance of partnerships in public relations, and for good reason. Co-branding is one of the most effective, but often overlooked ways to build a business, boost awareness and introduce a brand to new audiences. When done correctly, these cross-pollinations can be a thing of beauty- something that might surprise and delight customers and attract new fans.

That said, for a partnership to truly work, both parties must be excited, invested and the concept should be a win-win for all players in the game. Sometimes easier said than done, right?

If you’re wanting to engage in a partnership with another brand, non-profit or individual, there are 4 cardinal rules that you should know before jumping in. By following these guidelines you will be on the right track to a sustaining, mutually beneficial co-branding relationship.

Ride Cincinnati 20

Ride Cincinnati 20

While the event looks a little different this year, the mission is still critically important: raising life-saving funds for cancer research!

Ride Cincinnati has modified its entry requirements, eliminated fundraising commitments and opened participation to include any physical activity. Read more details about this year's virtual event and how you can get involved:

Great Bridal Chase Business Impact Innovation Award

The Great Bridal Chase 5k, one of our signature projects, received the Innovation Award as part of the 2020 Business Impact Awards presented by the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce!

Thanks to all of the participants, sponsors and volunteers who have made this event amazing over the past few years (especially this year as we went virtual in light of COVID-19.) We look forward to continuing to build on this event in future years!