Pomme PR Concierge Affinity Partners

The ultimate member benefit for professional organizations. At no cost to you!

  • Members of participating organizations receive 10% discount on all PR concierge small business rates

  • Non-profit professional organizations receive 10% annual donation of total participating organizations

  • Receive monthly tips and content to include in your newsletter

Affinity partners include:

Contact us today to add the Pomme PR concierge to your list of member benefits:

How the concierge works: 

For a low monthly fee, your organization will have prioritized access to crisis communications resources & professional coaching.

Concierge members needing PR assistance can call our dedicated hotline and provide their unique organization number. They will receive a complimentary consultation with an accredited PR practitioner.

If additional assistance is needed (formulating or reviewing official statements, media prep, press releases, other deliverables), they will receive a reduced hourly rate from our standard agency or crisis rate. 

As an added bonus, participating organizations receive access to monthly tips to include in the newsletter and exclusive content for members.

Fresh Ideas. reputational Assistance. On-demand.